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How Your HVAC Systems Can Defend You From Springtime Allergies

Pollen Season

Spring is finally here! It doesn’t seem too long since last spring, but here we are! As the days get longer and the situation in the world continues to change, I’m sure a lot of us are looking forward to spending more time outdoors over the next few months. However, for many, spring is a dreaded season. The reason why—allergies. While you can’t do much about allergies outdoors, though wearing a mask should help, there is quite a bit you can do to protect yourself indoors! As HVAC pros, we want to impart some of that knowledge to you, so you can help reduce allergies this spring season!

Air Filters

Let’s start with your strongest line of defense—your air filter! The air filters that come with your HVAC system can do a lot to limit allergen presence in the air. Even fairly standard air filters can catch microscopic particles like pollen and even airborne viruses and dust mites. However, they won’t go on forever. They need maintenance and regular replacement.

Luckily, it’s easy to replace them. The key is to remember to do so every month or two. You might be surprised how much fresher the air will feel right after switching out your air filter. Often, we get used to poor indoor air quality and don’t realize how much better it can be on the other side!

Need to order a new AC filter? Click here!

Spring Cleaning

Your air filter is only one small factor in your home’s defense against air pollutants. Many of your allergens will enter your home on your clothing or stick on your carpet. If you don’t dust and vacuum regularly, allergens can linger in your home for months and months. Spring is a great excuse to do a deep cleaning. It’s a long-running tradition that still has its uses. Clear away the dust where you keep your electronics. Dust high shelves that you might not normally get to. If you haven’t in a while, consider professional cleaning your carpets and rugs to give yourself a fresh start for the rest of the year.

Routine cleaning is just as important. Every time you go outside, you risk bringing in allergens on your clothes and shoes. Make vacuuming a regular part of your cleaning routine and you will severely limit the number of allergens in the air in your home. Also, keep in mind that floor vents can fill up with dust and other items, so clean those out every few weeks too!

Humidity: The Allergy X-Factor

Humidity level is an often-overlooked factor of indoor air quality. If air is too dry, your nose and throat are more sensitive to allergies. On the other hand, high humidity can lead to mold growth and a whole hose of other issues. For those reasons, it’s smart to keep the humidity level of your home between 30% and 40% as much as possible.

You may be wondering what are the best ways for you to change humidity levels in your home. A good way to increase your humidity is to do some cooking or to air dry your clothes when you can. If you need to lower humidity, avoid those activities or install a dehumidifier.

Overall, the spring season requires special attention. Especially if you are susceptible to allergies, take some of the steps that we laid out in this blog and implement them into your routine. You’ll be shocked at how quickly things can change and your home will be a refreshing space to escape those dreaded spring allergies.

Contact Anthony's Cooling-Heating-Electrical at (941) 347-0779 and we’ll help you out! Don’t wait to take back control of your space and turn your home into the comfortable oasis you deserve.
